
Books were my first love. When I was 8 years old, we moved to a small East Texas town. Our house had a nursing home on one side and a convenience store/gas station on the other, with a 2-lane black top highway running right in front. On the other side of that highway was my saving grace–the city library. That summer I crossed that highway several days a week to explore the library’s offerings, swapping out books I’d read with books I wanted to read. I burned through Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, the Narnia series and A Wrinkle in Time, just to start. So began a 40-year love affair that continues to this day.

By trade, I’m an attorney. With a BA in Journalism and a Technical Writing minor, I started my professional career as a technical writer/training developer. However, after 10 years in IT and volunteering to teach computer skills at a domestic violence shelter, I went to law school at night to become a legal advocate and have dedicated my legal career to advocating for abused and neglected women and children. I’ve worked as a prosecutor, a public defender, in private practice, and for non-profit agencies that recruit, train, and supervise volunteer advocates for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect both in Colorado and Texas.

Regardless of my position, I’ve always sought out opportunities to write and teach because of my love for both. As an assistant district attorney, I provided training on the dynamics of domestic violence for law enforcement and published articles in professional legal journals.

I wrote my novels, Truth Kills, and Preying Grace, because the characters came alive for me, and I had to see what happened to them. Basically, I wrote them because I wanted to read them. After 25 years in Dallas, TX, my husband and I recently relocated to Centennial, CO, with our adopted Cowboy Corgi, Hershey.

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