Tag Archives: rioja

Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

Magicshifts1Magic Shifts, the latest in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, is such an entertaining continuation of Kate and Curran’s exploits that I read it not once but twice—the first time just to see what happened next, and the second because I was sure I missed fun details in my haste to finish it the first round. Reading the final page was disappointing only because I have to wait a year to see where they go next. I hope Ilona Andrews is busily crafting the next installment.

In Magic Shifts, Kate and Curran are trying to be good neighbors and fit into their life in the suburbs. Kate has a new and extremely powerful enemy to fight, one whose magic is as old as hers, which presents unexpected repercussions for her. In confronting him, Kate runs head on into her own humanity and its limitations. As Dr. Dolittle repeatedly reminds Kate, she is not as she often acts, invincible, and she is forced to come to terms with that.

Roland’s presence is constant now despite Kate’s efforts to the contrary, and like his appearances in the previous book, his presence at this point seems benign, yet ominous, and provides for a bit of humor.  We also get to see where the lives of our other favorite players—Andrea and Raphael, Jim and Dali, Barabas, Christopher, Derek, and Julie— are going and get to know some others including George and Eduardo, Mahon and Martha, a bit better.  Kate and company have some serious and hilarious verbal and physical smack downs with family, neighbors, and friends as well as their enemies.

It was interesting to have a new foe, but I have to admit I missed Hugh a little. As always, I loved learning about the area of mythology and history related to this new threat.  Through Kate’s exploits, I’ve learned about Celtic, Hindu, and now Arabic mythology.

To accompany Kate’s latest endeavors, I would recommend Muriel’s Rioja Reserva. It’s a beautiful deep, ruby red in color, a little spicy and very flavorful. It’s also quite reasonably priced.

Enjoy, and happy reading!

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